Sketchbooks and schedules….

One of the most difficult things about keeping a sketchbook for me is my hectic schedule combined with a huge disinterest in keeping one. Although its a assessed part of the University modules I still leave things until the last minute. Speaking to many of my classmates has revealed that they also don’t find it particularly helpful, they like myself work better on scraps of paper with tattered lists appearing everywhere and on anything. Ideas floating around my head that may come to fruition or not, suggest I may be part of the group of highly unorganised artists instead of the neat and systematic artists who favour sketchbooks. Sometimes I will enjoy completing a page or two in the sketchbooks if only for the crazy little illustrations that I love adding to most pages, I understand why sometimes sketchbooks are needed but I just want to create art instead !

I have included a little snapshot of some of my most recent page doodles in the sketchbook…